Timisoara Medical Journal

(ISSN: 1583-526X) Open Access Journal
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Timisoara Med 2024, 2024(2), 20; doi: 10.35995/tmj20240220

Liver Segmentation - Morphological Basis for PET-CT Evaluation of Liver Secondary Determinations

(this article belongs to the Special Issue Timisoara Morphological Days)
Received: 21 Sep 2024 / Accepted: 19 Oct 2024 / Published: 9 Oct 2024
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The purpose. Establishing through a morpho-functional study, which is the most frequent location of metabolically active liver metastases, highlighted by PET-CT correlated with the histological type, in patients with relapses. Materials and methods. The study material was represented by the iconography of 127 patients investigated by PET-CT (Affidea Timișoara), who had presumptive diagnoses of secondary liver determinations. PET-CT investigation reveals the three-dimensional distribution of radioactivity based on annihilation photons emitted by radiotracers labeled with a positron emitter (F18-FDG). The imaging analysis was complemented by the measurement of SUVlbm, the maximum uptake intensity of the radiotracer. Results. The PET-CT examination revealed metabolically active liver lesions in 108 cases. In 95 cases (87.96%), metabolically active multiple nodular lesions were revealed, in different degrees of uptake. Multiple metastases were highlighted at the following levels: RHL - 43 cases; LHL - 21 cases; disseminated - 31 cases. In 13 cases (12.04%), the metastases were solitary, starting point: breast (4xBC), bronchopulmonary (3xBPC), cutaneous malignant melanoma (2xMM), colorectal (3xCRC), pancreatic (1xPC). In the case of solitary liver metastases, the segmental location was as follows: • S-I: 1 case (1 x PC) • S-II: 1 case (1 x BC) • S-III: 2 cases (1 x BC + 1 x BPC) • S-IV: 1 case (1 x BC) • S-VI: 5 cases (2 x BPC + 2 x CRC + 1 x MM) • S-VII: 3 cases (1 x BC + 1 x CRC + 1 x MM). Conclusions. • Most frequently, multiple liver metastases were highlighted at the RHL level - 43 cases (45.26 %). • In 13 cases (12.04%) the lesions were solitary, having the starting point, most frequently, at the breast level - 4 cases (30.77%) • The maximum value SUVlbm=13.7 was highlighted in the case of the single metastasis of MM, located at the S-VI level.
Keywords: liver segmentation; PET-CT; liver metastases.
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. (CC BY 4.0).
Pusztai, A.; Daescu, E.; Rosu, L.; Haivas, C.C.; Petrescu, C.; Zahoi, D. Liver Segmentation - Morphological Basis for PET-CT Evaluation of Liver Secondary Determinations. Timisoara_Med 2024, 2024, 20.
Pusztai A, Daescu E, Rosu L, Haivas CC, Petrescu C, Zahoi D. Liver Segmentation - Morphological Basis for PET-CT Evaluation of Liver Secondary Determinations. Timisoara Medical Journal. 2024; 2024(2):20.
Pusztai, Agneta; Daescu, Ecaterina; Rosu, Luminioara; Haivas, Carmen Camelia; Petrescu, Codruta; Zahoi, Delia. 2024. "Liver Segmentation - Morphological Basis for PET-CT Evaluation of Liver Secondary Determinations." Timisoara_Med 2024, no. 2: 20.
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