%0 Journal Article %A Dema, Alis Dema %A Cornianu, Marioara Cornianu %A Mureșan, Anca Mureșan %A Lăzureanu, Dorela-Codruța Lăzureanu %A Cornea, Remus Cornea %A Văduva, Adrian Văduva %A Jurescu, Aura Jurescu %A Natarâș, Bianca Natarâș %A Barna, Robert Barna %A Hurmuz, Ioana Hurmuz %A Tăban, Sorina Tăban %D 2024 %J Timisoara Medical Journal %@ 1583-526X %V 2024 %N 2 %P 13 %T Intraductal carcinoma of the prostate (IDC-P): definition, diagnosis, significance, and management %M doi:10.35995/tmj20240213 %U https://tmj.jams.pub/article/2024/2/283 %X The objective of the study is to present intraductal carcinoma of the prostate from the perspective of its definition, diagnostic criteria, significance, and therapeutic implications. Material and methods. The relevant literature from recent years regarding intraductal carcinoma of the prostate (IDC-P) has been studied. Results. IDC-P is a recently introduced entity in the WHO classification of prostate carcinomas and most often represents a late stage in the evolution of prostate tumors, and much more rarely, a precursor lesion for invasive carcinoma. IDC-P poses a challenge for pathologists in terms of diagnostic criteria and differential diagnosis with other similar lesions, is associated with negative prognostic factors, and may have therapeutic implications. Conclusions. IDC-P is an important pathological finding that should be thoroughly evaluated and documented in both needle biopsies and radical prostatectomy specimens. Its identification has critical clinical implications for the prognosis and management of prostate cancer.