%0 Journal Article %A Dăniluc, Larissa Dăniluc %A Apostol, Adrian Apostol %A Sandu, Oana Sandu %A Bogdan, Carina Bogdan %A Ivan, Viviana Ivan %D 2023 %J Timisoara Medical Journal %@ 1583-526X %V 2023 %N 1 %P 4 %T Trastuzumab-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction. A Case Report %M doi:10.35995/20230104 %U https://tmj.jams.pub/article/2023/1/245 %X Oncological pathology and the management of patient with cancer are real challenges in cardiology practice. Unpredictable situations triggered by this pathology, as well as adverse reactions of oncological therapy on the cardiovascular system, are increasing. A 71-year-old female patient who was known with HER2-positive breast cancer, with sectorial mastectomy and treated with chemo-radio-immunotherapy in 2018, then diagnosed with liver metastases and ulcerated gastric adenocarcinoma in May 2022, was referred to the Cardiology Clinic for chest pain and dyspnea. On the ECG, ST-segment depression was seen in the infero-lateral territory. Positive myocardial necrosis enzymes were documented, and also moderate microcytic hypochromic anemia. The current clinical, electrical, and biological picture was suggestive for acute coronary syndrome. It should be mentioned that the patient has been on monoclonal antibody therapy with Trastuzumab, recently discontinued after echocardiographic evaluation where decreased systolic performance was noted. Considering all the particular aspects of this case, as cardiotoxicity of oncological therapy, acute coronary event and anemic syndrome, multidisciplinary management is required, with adjustment of cardiovascular therapy and cancer treatment.